1. Vision:
TNM is the 2nd family where our staffs can enjoy the wholehearted performance in logistics for a comfortable life.
2. Mission:
- To Customers: offering the reliable logistics solution under the effective cost
- To Partners: try our best to support as best as we can so we can grow-up & long-run together
3. Commitment:
Recognize and feel as our own all common goals and suggest improvements for its proper operation.
“BEST FREIGHT-TOP SERVICE” is our motto and a promise from all members of TNM family. We will always at your disposal at any time you look for support since as we totally understand, your satisfaction is our success.
TNM Shipping & Logistics Co., Ltd. has its own values that make us a unique company with its own identity
Recognize and feel as our own all common goals and suggest improvements for its properopration. | TEAMWORK Encouraging the participation each other, sharing the expertise and knowledge to catch the goal together
INNOVATION A clear commitment towards continuous improvement and search for creative and efficient solutions that can guarantee corporate sustainability.
| PROXIMITY Clear understanding and physical proximity towards our customers' and partners' needs. Empathy is the key to a great Customer Service. |
LOCAL ENGAGEMENT & EMPOWERMENT We are socially and culturally committed to our community. We give back to Society what we receive from it.
| HONESTY Behave and perform truthfully, fairly and transparency in both professional and personal relationships.